Is Outbox needed if i use Azure Service Bus with RequiresDuplicateDetection enabled?

Hi guys,

Is Outbox needed if I use Azure Service Bus with RequiresDuplicateDetection enabled?
Does Outbox also work for sagas?


The native ASB message deduplication will not work. Messages sent out by the ASB transport have random message IDs. Not to mention that the outbox feature is not just about the de-duplication of messages.

Outbox works for sagas as well.

If you sent a native message-id, then ASB deduplication works fine. handlers are not processing given message more than once. So in that case do I still need an outbox?

Kamil, the thing about the outbox feature is that it’s more than just de-duplication. It provides a consistency guarantee while de-duplicating messages. If you use the outbox just for the sake of de-duplication of the incoming messages, that’s a different conversation. Otherwise, you can’t rely on the native de-duplication ASB feature to achieve what the outbox feature is providing.

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