NServiceBus 7.2.0 + does not generate saga scripts on publish


I have Asp.Net Core 3.1 application with 2 assemblies: Host and Saga.

When I build it in VisualStudio in release or debug mode - nsb generates create and drop scripts for saga in \bin…\NServiceBus.Persistance.Sql\Oracle\Sagas and everything is fine

When I publish my app (dotnet publish or in VS) no saga scripts is generated. No Sagas folder. Only Outbox*.sql, Subscriptions*.sql and Timeout*.sql

If I move saga class from Saga assembly to Host assembly - publish works fine and generates saga scripts.

This behavior occurs only in 7.2.0 + versions

Hi DixiOmnes,

Check if you have installed NServiceBus.Persistance.Sql NuGet package in Saga project assembly.

Then if you try to publish Host project assembly Saga scripts should be generated.

Hope this help.

ty for answer

here is the decision - Scripts aren't copied to publish directory when --no-build option is used · Issue #490 · Particular/NServiceBus.Persistence.Sql · GitHub

For the reference in this thread the issue has been fixed
