ServiceControl 1.47.5 - Patch release available

Hi everyone,

We’ve just released ServiceControl 1.47.5 which fixes a InvalidCastException regression introduced in 1.47.4. The regression results in ServiceInsight and ServicePulse to be unable to retrieve messages from ServiceControl as ServiceControl is unable to parse the TimeSent metadata information of message that are fetched by its private API.

The following error is visible in ServicePulse:

Could not find message. This could be because the message URL is invalid or the corresponding message was processed and no longer audited by ServiceControl.

The following error is visible in the ServiceControl log:

2018-04-13 08:29:47.3031|76|Error|ServiceBus.Management.Infrastructure.Nancy.NServiceBusContainerBootstrapper|Http call failed
System.InvalidCastException: Specified cast is not valid.
at ServiceControl.MetadataExtensions.GetOrDefault[T](IDictionary`2 metadata, String key) in C:\sources\ServiceControl\src\ServiceControl\Infrastructure\MetadataExtensions.cs:line 12
at ServiceControl.MessageFailures.Api.GetErrorById.Map(FailedMessage message, IAsyncDocumentSession session) in C:\sources\ServiceControl\src\ServiceControl\MessageFailures\Api\GetErrorById.cs:line 59
at ServiceControl.MessageFailures.Api.GetErrorById.<<-ctor>b__0_1>d.MoveNext() in C:\sources\ServiceControl\src\ServiceControl\MessageFailures\Api\GetErrorById.cs:line 44

Fixed bugs

  • #1337 Unable to parse the TimeSent metadata information resulted in InvalidCastException

Should you upgrade immediately

If you have already upgraded to 1.47.4 it is advisible to upgrade immediately as ServicePulse and ServiceInsight are unable to show

Where to get it

You can download this release from our website.

With thanks,

The team in Particular

Please read our release policy for more details.