Shutting down the NServiceBus Gitter channel

Hi everyone,

Today we’re announcing that on Monday, February 4, 2019, we will be shutting down the NServiceBus channel on Gitter.

A while back we started experimenting with different methods of having more direct conversations with you. This included Gitter for group chat, as well as a live chat widget directly on our website and in documentation.

While the live chat has been working great, Gitter really has not. So we’re going to focus our attention exclusively on the live chat widget, and close down the Gitter channel so that we don’t accidentally ignore someone thinking that we’ll respond in Gitter when we’re not actually paying attention.

If you’re currently logged in to the Gitter channel, please take a moment to go to the room one last time, and in the upper-right corner, click the Room Settings icon (looks like 3 sliders) and select Leave this room. We’ll feel better knowing you got the memo and we aren’t leaving you out in the cold.


The team
in Particular