Azure Functions and .NET 5.0

With the Azure Functions supporting .NET 5.0 in GA (see here), what plans, if any, are there to enhance the NServiceBus.AzureFunctions.AzureServiceBus package to the new isolated model, which promises better support for middleware? I would hope that would allow for support of SendsAtomicWithReceive transaction transaction mode.

I would hope that would allow for support of SendsAtomicWithReceive transaction transaction mode.

It won’t work with the current state of the GA-ed Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Worker SDK. The new Functions SDK does not allow anything related to the underlying ASB SDK or any Azure SDK (Storage, CosmosDB, etc.). You can’t even get the incoming message as an SDK type Message or ServiceBusMessage. This is why I advise folks that want to move over from the Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Functions SDK to the new Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Worker SDK to first check the new SDK can and cannot and then make the switch.

In regards to supporting Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Worker SDK down the road, the answer is “yes”. First, the current Functions Preview based on Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Functions will be GA-ed (in progress as I write this), and then the support for the Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Worker SDK will be released as a separate package.

Anyone interested in Isolated Worker support this public issue Support Functions with isolated worker · Issue #148 · Particular/NServiceBus.AzureFunctions.InProcess.ServiceBus · GitHub is a good issue to subscribe to.

Thanks. I was looking for this public issue. I am expecting that it will provide all information related to the Isolated Worker support.