Azure Functions with Azure ServiceBus - Endpoint does not allow period in name

Team, I’m trying to use Azure functions with NServiceBus using Azure ServiceBus transport.

I have successfully got it working following this doc when the endpoint name does not have a “.” or period in the name. E.g.: ASBTriggerQueue

However, my endpoint name has a period, “.” and I do not have control to change the endpoint name.

For example, let us say my endpoint name is “asb.triggerqueue”. With period in the name I get the following error:
The ‘NServiceBusFunctionEndpointTrigger-asb.triggerqueue’ function is in error: ‘NServiceBusFunctionEndpointTrigger-a
sb.triggerqueue’ is not a valid function name.

Is this a known issue? Are there any workarounds to fix this issue?

I was able to get it working by overriding the trigger function name.

Thanks Stack Overflow: Publishing message using NServiceBus using Azure Function Cosmos DB Changefeed trigger - Stack Overflow

HI team, not sure why this thread was flagged as spam?

@ankitvijay sorry for the inconvenience, I’m not sure why it was flagged as spam. The motivation reported by the forum engine was that “multiple posts were created pointing to the same URL”, I’m not even sure what it means.

I marked the post as not spam and should be visible now.


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