Bridge : Use endpointname instead of queuename while registering endpoint with bridge

Summary: Given that endpoint name is different than its actual queue name, can we use just endpoint name to register endpoint with Bridge ?

I am trying to use bridge for migrating our applications queues from RabbitMQ to Azure ServiceBus
We want to have capability for developers to test/run their code in without stepping on each others toes. So in our development ASB environment, we want to add identifier with each endpoints queue name so they are unique to each developer.
For example ,
Consider EndpointA is sending message to EndpointB,
When Dev1 runs the EndpointA and EndpointB for local testing , in azure service bus their queue should show up as dev1_EndpointA and dev1_EndpointB
When Dev2 runs the EndpointA and EndpointB for local testing , in azure service bus their queue should show up as dev2_EndpointA and dev2_EndpointB

Desired result: At runtime detect that since dev1 is running app in his local environment, messages from dev1_endpointA should be routed to dev1_endpointB.

How to achieve this with Bridge?

What I have tried : Updated a sample project to create bridge. In each endpoint, while initializing EndpointConfiguration() I am giving a name thats different than the one Im adding in OverrideLocalAddress().

I am currently running into this exception,

fail: MessageShovelErrorHandlingPolicy[0] Message shovel operation failed, message will be moved to bridge.error System.Exception: Failed to shovel message for endpoint RightReceiver with id 646665ef-f188-4c96-9ce2-5e70b1119f08 from learning to right-side —> System.Exception: No target address mapping could be found for source address: Samples.Bridge.LeftSender. Ensure names have correct casing as mappings are case-sensitive. Nearest configured match: LeftSender at EndpointRegistry.TranslateToTargetAddress(String sourceAddress) in //src/NServiceBus.MessagingBridge/EndpointRegistry.cs:line 67 at MessageShovel.d__1.MoveNext() in //src/NServiceBus.MessagingBridge/MessageShovel.cs:line 58 — End of inner exception stack trace — at MessageShovel.d__1.MoveNext() in //src/NServiceBus.MessagingBridge/MessageShovel.cs:line 74 — End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown — at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw() at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) at NServiceBus.LearningTransportMessagePump.d__23.MoveNext() in //src/NServiceBus.Core/Transports/Learning/LearningTransportMessagePump.cs:line 340

I have updated this sample code like shown below, major changes are endpoint name is different and i am using OverrideLocalAddress to mention queue name

Bridge code

  static async Task Main()
        Console.Title = "Samples.Bridge";

        var leftReceiverEndptName = "LeftReceiver";
        //var leftReceiverQName = "Samples.Bridge.LeftReceiver";
        var leftSenderEndptName = "LeftSender";
        //var leftSenderQName = "Samples.Bridge.LeftSender";
        var rightReceiverEndptName = "RightReceiver";
        //var rightReceiverQName = "Samples.Bridge.RightReceiver";

        await Host.CreateDefaultBuilder()
            .ConfigureLogging(logging =>
                logging.AddSimpleConsole(options =>
                    options.IncludeScopes = false;
                    options.SingleLine = true;
                    options.TimestampFormat = "hh:mm:ss ";
            .UseNServiceBusBridge((ctx, bridgeConfiguration) =>
                #region endpoint-adding-simple

                var learningLeft = new BridgeTransport(new LearningTransport());


                var learningTransport = new LearningTransport
                    // Set storage directory and add the character '2' to simulate a different transport.
                    StorageDirectory = $"{LearningTransportInfrastructure.FindStoragePath()}2"
                var learningRight = new BridgeTransport(learningTransport)
                    // A different name is required if transports are used twice.
                    Name = "right-side"

                #region endpoint-adding-register-publisher-by-string

                var rightReceiver = new BridgeEndpoint(rightReceiverEndptName);
                rightReceiver.RegisterPublisher("OrderReceived", rightReceiverEndptName);


                #region add-transports-to-bridge




 static async Task Main()
        var endptName = "LeftReceiver";
        var qName = "Samples.Bridge.LeftReceiver";
        Console.Title = endptName;
        var endpointConfiguration = new EndpointConfiguration(endptName);
        endpointConfiguration.UseTransport(new LearningTransport());

        endpointConfiguration.Conventions().DefiningMessagesAs(t => t.Name == "OrderResponse");
        endpointConfiguration.Conventions().DefiningEventsAs(t => t.Name == "OrderReceived");


        var endpointInstance = await Endpoint.Start(endpointConfiguration);
        Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit");
        await endpointInstance.Stop();


static async Task Main()

        var endptName = "LeftSender";
        var qName = "Samples.Bridge.LeftSender";
        Console.Title = endptName;

        var rightReceiverEndptName = "RightReceiver";

        var endpointConfiguration = new EndpointConfiguration(endptName);
        endpointConfiguration.Conventions().DefiningCommandsAs(t => t.Name == "PlaceOrder");
        endpointConfiguration.Conventions().DefiningMessagesAs(t => t.Name == "OrderResponse");
        endpointConfiguration.Conventions().DefiningEventsAs(t => t.Name == "OrderReceived");

        var routing = endpointConfiguration.UseTransport(new LearningTransport());
        routing.RouteToEndpoint(typeof(PlaceOrder), rightReceiverEndptName);


        var endpointInstance = await Endpoint.Start(endpointConfiguration);
        await Start(endpointInstance);
        await endpointInstance.Stop();

    static async Task Start(IEndpointInstance endpointInstance)
        Console.WriteLine("Press '1' to send the PlaceOrder command");
        Console.WriteLine("Press '2' to publish the OrderReceived event");
        Console.WriteLine("Press 'esc' other key to exit");

        while (true)
            var key = Console.ReadKey();

            var orderId = Guid.NewGuid();
            switch (key.Key)
                case ConsoleKey.D1:
                case ConsoleKey.NumPad1:
                    var placeOrder = new PlaceOrder
                        OrderId = orderId
                    await endpointInstance.Send(placeOrder);
                    Console.WriteLine($"Send PlaceOrder Command with Id {orderId}");
                case ConsoleKey.D2:
                case ConsoleKey.NumPad2:
                    var orderReceived = new OrderReceived
                        OrderId = orderId
                    await endpointInstance.Publish(orderReceived);
                    Console.WriteLine($"Published OrderReceived Event with Id {orderId}.");
                case ConsoleKey.Escape:


static async Task Main()
        var endptName = "RightReceiver";
        var qName = "Samples.Bridge.RightReceiver";
        Console.Title = endptName;
        var endpointConfiguration = new EndpointConfiguration(endptName);
        endpointConfiguration.Conventions().DefiningCommandsAs(t => t.Name == "PlaceOrder");
        endpointConfiguration.Conventions().DefiningMessagesAs(t => t.Name == "OrderResponse");
        endpointConfiguration.Conventions().DefiningEventsAs(t => t.Name == "OrderReceived");

        #region alternative-learning-transport
        var learningTransportDefinition = new LearningTransport
            // Set storage directory and add the character '2' to simulate a different transport.
            StorageDirectory = $"{LearningTransportInfrastructure.FindStoragePath()}2"



        var endpointInstance = await Endpoint.Start(endpointConfiguration);
        Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit");
        await endpointInstance.Stop();

It might be simpler to create a dedicated Azure Service Bus namespace for each developer.

When you configure an endpoint in the bridge you can specify a physical address that is different from the endpoint name:

var transport = new BridgeTransport(new AzureServiceBusTransport(connectionString));
transport.HasEndpoint("EndpointA", "dev1_EndpointA");

In order for this to work, each developer would have to run their own copy of the bridge in their development environment. Would that allow you to do what you are attempting?

We want to avoid having separate namespace for each developer due to cost it adds.

Referring to code you mentioned, apart from configuring it in bridge, what other changes/settings do I need in EndpointA ? Is using endpointConfiguration.OverrideLocalAddress(‘dev1_EndpointA’) enough?

If you’re using the standard tier for development, there’s no additional cost other than a few pennies for the transacted messages on each namespace. Give your team sandboxed namespaces and have peace of mind not entangling development in unnecessary complexities. Future you will thank you.

The issue is that this change will bleed into your routing configuration. If you have have an endpoint named EndpointA and you configure it to send messages to EndpointB then things work out of the box. If you configure EndpointB with OverrideLocalAddress(..) then EndpointA needs to know about that change in order to continue routing messages to the right place.

To make that work you will need to have an environment variable (or some other global mechanism) to store a prefix for all endpoints running on the developer machine and you will have to add code to add that prefix to all usages of the endpoint name. If you’re going to do that anyway, then you may as well skip OverrideLocalAddress(..) and change the endpoint name to include the prefix.

All of that is true for point to point message sending. Things get more complex when it comes to pub-sub. The way the Azure Service Bus topology is set up is with a single topic. When a subscriber subscribes to an event, they don’t know (or care) who is publishing it. This means that if dev1_EndpointA publishes an event, both dev1_EndpointB and dev2_EndpointB will get a copy. This could be solved by configuring each developer system with it’s own topic.

As Sean noted, each of these steps adds complexity and pushes you further away from what the production system is intended to look like. It is probably cheaper in the long-run to provision a standard tier namespace for each developer and not have that additional complexity. I suspect a custom solution like the one described above will end up costing more to build, troubleshoot, and maintain.