Could Someone Guide me on Best Practices for Implementing Sagas in NServiceBus?

Hello there,

I am new to using NServiceBus and I am currently working on a project where I need to implement Sagas for managing complex business processes that span multiple services. I have gone through the official documentation and some tutorials; but I am still unclear on a few points and would greatly appreciate some guidance from more experienced users.

What are the best practices for designing and managing Saga data? Specifically; I am concerned about handling large amounts of data and ensuring that my Saga remains efficient and performant. Are there any strategies for partitioning Saga data or optimizing its storage?

How does NServiceBus handle concurrency issues in Sagas; and what should I keep in mind to ensure that my Sagas are reliable and handle failures gracefully? Are there common pitfalls or anti-patterns I should avoid?

In my scenario; the Saga will need to interact with several external services. What are the recommended approaches for integrating these calls into my Saga workflow; especially considering the potential for network failures and retries?

Also, I have gone through this post: which definitely helped me out a lot.

Any examples; code snippets; or references to additional resources would be incredibly helpful.

Thank you in advance for your help and assistance.

Hi @sofiya752

Welcome to NServiceBus!
I am sorry to hear that our documentation did not answer all your questions regarding sagas.
Let’s try to address your questions one by one.

What are the best practices for designing and managing Saga data?

We have the following guidance on size of data, Saga concurrency • NServiceBus • Particular Docs

How does NServiceBus handle concurrency issues in Sagas

Have a read of Saga concurrency • NServiceBus • Particular Docs

interact with several external services

Don’t call out to external services from within the saga handler, see this sample and more documentation about it

Let us know how you go, and any other questions you may have.
