Docker solution for ServiceControl?

Is there a linux docker solution available or coming for service control? I hate to have to provision and manage a VM just for this when I could just deploy it as a container to my Google cluster. Thoughts?


Hi Jeremy,

At the moment we have not got such a solution. Unfortunately. We have not yet officially released NServiceBus v7 with .NET Core support. Once we do, we’ll need to upgrade ServiceControl to NServiceBus v7 first. After that, this sure seems as a great candidate to release a Docker image for. But we can’t say how long this will take before it’s actually available.


Fair enough, thanks!

Suddenly, this is becoming more important us. Right now, we’re hosted in kubernetes and have to have a windows VM with service control installed and tunneled into the cluster in order to talk to RabbitMQ. Gross.

Service Control and ServicePulse would be great as containers and seem like somewhat easy wins. A webified ServiceInsight wouldn’t be a bad move either. Looking forward to seeing this happen :slight_smile:

As a stop-gap, here is a (completely unsupported) Dockerfile I created that shows how to host ServiceControl within a docker container. The file in question uses a SQL transport, but it shouldn’t be a problem to switch it to rabbitmq with a server core base container.

what about a linux base :confused:

Impossible at the moment unfortunately. And unlikely to be realistic in the short to medium term either :slightly_frowning_face:

Willing to have the same for all 3 (Control, Insights and Pulse)… but in my case, I would host it on a windows service fabric…

Is there a user voice or something like that?

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Hi guys,

any updates on that? It would be great to have the whole platform on docker for linux.

We’re about to start trialing running ServiceControl and ServicePulse in Docker containers but initially, at least, it will be Windows only. Of the two, ServicePulse is the one in the best shape to be converted to Linux but there’s still quite a bit of work to get ServiceControl working on Linux. For now, they will be Windows only.

Hello! Just wondering if there is any progress on ServiceControl and ServicePulse running in Docker containers (at least Windows only). Is there any kind of timetable? We’re not far away from starting the install and wondering if it’s worth waiting for this.

Hi @justino. The progress has been slow for this but it’s still on our radar. At this point, I’m afraid I don’t have any further information about dates or implementation yet.

Hi there,

Do we have any news about this?

Best Regards,

Hi all,

Is there any update on this?


Certainly dockerizing tools will be very helpful as hosting it on Azure VM costs more. It would be great if you guys expedite this feature development. :slight_smile:

I too would love to hear an update about how this is nearly ready for release :slight_smile:

We’re currently not even using ServiceControl/Pulse and missing out on the feature we’d like to use just because it’s annoying to deploy in our environment. What we’d like to see is a containerized deployment that can use AWS managed services for storage and communications

We’ve added Dockerfiles for windows for ServiceControl. At the moment you will have to build them yourself, but we’ll be pushing them to dockerhub as part of our build process in the not too distant future.

We still can’t yet run them on linux, but we’re actively working towards being able to.

You can find the dockerfiles in the src/docker folder, and instructions on how to build and run them in the readme.

We will update again once we change our build tools to push the images to dockerhub automatically.


It would be exceedingly helpful and much appreciated to have Particular-made helm charts available for all the platform items (based on linux images too as I’d argue linux on kubernetes is much more prevalent than windows and if you’re doing containers at all you’re doing k8s) to deploy these things as helm is the de facto way to manage k8s resources. Any plan for this?

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Any update on this effort guys? NServiceBus monitoring (all that encompasses that) on linux, via helm charts