Consider this simple scenario:
HTTP PUT request is called on a “CreateUser” API.
When handling that request in the controller, we want to
a) store the business data changes
b) publish integration events to multiple subscribers after the fact
public async Task<IActionResult> CreateUser(...
// a: store the business data changes in a postgresql db
await userRepository.Save(user);
// b: publish integration events to multiple subscribers after the fact, using NServiceBus/SQS
foreach (var @event in user.Events)
await context.Publish(@event);
The system (the publisher and all subscribers) needs to be eventual consistent, so:
If “a” fails, we don’t want to publish an event. Easy.
But if “b” fails, we are screwed, especially if some of the Publish calls already suceeded.
Usually I would solve this by using an outbox pattern and publish the messages in a completely seperate process.
But I was wondering if NServiceBus already had an answer to this common challenge? Something in the line of what “Jasper” supports: Jasper’s “Outbox” Pattern Support – The Shade Tree Developer
I know NServiceBus has an outbox feature, but it only works within a message handler context so it does not really apply to this scenario.