Heartbeat Configuration

I’m struggling to get the Heartbeat plugin to work correctly on a local dev machine with MSMQ transport.

The local machine has ServiceControl installed with both a Monitoring and ServiceControl instance running. The endpoint configuration calls SendHeartbeatTo with a queue name that seems to be in many of the examples of ServiceControl_Queue, which I had to manually create in MSMQ. I can see the endpoint in ServicePulse but it is showing as inactive. Metrics have also been configured, which work fine.

I have tried using the queue audit instead of ServiceControl_Queue but this makes no difference, and based on the diagram here I assumed that a different queue should be used anyway. If so, how does ServiceControl know which queue to monitor?

Source code may be found in this gist, which targets .NET Framework 4.7.1 with NServiceBus 6.4.3. Can anybody advise on what I may be doing incorrectly?

The default queue name is particular.servicecontrol

SagaAudit Plugin • ServiceControl SagaAudit • Particular Docs (see the example with the appsetting)

If your SC instance is intalled on a separate machine use particular.servicecontrol@machine-where-you-installed-sc

Hope that this helps!



Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks!