I am using NServiceBus 5.x. I am using AzureStorageSagaPersistence to store the data in Azure Storage Table. Table is created but, data is not stored in Azure Storage Table. Below is the sample code.
var endPointName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EndpointName"];
var persistence = configuration.UsePersistence<AzureStoragePersistence, StorageType.Sagas>();
Are you 100% sure the messages you send are arriving in the saga? Did you debug them and checked if the code is executed?
Can you post your routing configuration, perhaps message conventions and your saga? You can leave out specific details of the saga, but I’d like to see which messages it handles, etc. Verify if routing is set up correctly, etc.
If I am using configuration.EnableFeature();, then void Handle(UploadImageMessage message) is not hit at debug point. Even sagadata is not inserted in Azure Table.
I couldn’t find the definitions of IAmStartedByMessages, IHandleMessages, and IHandleTimeouts. Looking at the code, it seems like you handle StartImportInventoryImagesMessage which immediately sends UploadImageMessage which in turn marks saga as completed, despite your timeout request.
Could you possible describe what are you trying to achieve from the logical stand point? I suspect what could happen is that your saga completed right after it gets StartImportInventoryImagesMessage and thus there’s not data in the storage. You could verify that by running locally setting a breakpoint in Handle(UploadImageMessage message).
Let me see if I understand what you’ve got so far.
The endpoint running the saga is not the endpoint handling UploadImageMessage - is that correct? If it’s not, could
you please describe what your solution looks like? Ideally, if you could share a slimmed down version, it would be perfect.
Could you list versions of the packages you’re using?
I suggest to consolidate the two issues into one. Could you please send your zip file to sean.feldman@particular.net as well as list the email address associated with your company? I’d like to open a support case to look into this.