NServiceBus 7.7.0 – Minor release available

Hi everyone,

We’ve just released NServiceBus 7.7.0, which includes new Roslyn analyzers to improve code quality in sagas, new options for security hardening, other improvements to sagas, and obsoletion warnings to get you ready to upgrade to NServiceBus 8 when it is released.


  • #6275 Roslyn analyzers for sagas
  • #6252 Better logging for when saga data is not found for an incoming message
  • #6272 Added DeliverAt to message header for auditing and metrics
  • #6280 Added an option to disable dynamic assembly loading
  • #6274 Added an option to disable type inference from message content
  • #6265 Make directory scanning configurable
  • #6232 Mark APIs that are removed in NServiceBus 8 as obsolete

When to upgrade

You should upgrade during your next maintenance window. Users with many sagas may want to upgrade as soon as possible to benefit from the new Roslyn analyzers that analyze saga code quality.

Where to get it

You can install NServiceBus 7.7.0 from NuGet.

With thanks,
The team in Particular

Please read our release policy for more details.

It would be nice to point to the documentation or update those issue to point to the documentation. Alternatively, have a snippet that shows the new APIs.

Hey Sean,

Tomorrow I plan to go back and find all those docs details and add them to the respective issues. (The changes didn’t all come from one task force.)

I’m also going to create a new step in our release checklist to ensure all issues flagged for release notes point preferably to docs, or failing that, to something else to connect the dots better than “read the code to see what changed” because otherwise what is the point of the release notes anyway?

So thanks! I think that will be a good improvement on our processes.

I’ll post another comment tomorrow when I’m done.

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Done—every PR in this announcement contains links to documentation if applicable.

Thank you, David. Looks great.