NServiceBus.AwsLambda.Sqs 1.1.1 and 1.0.1 – Patch releases available

Hi everyone,

We’ve just released NServiceBus.AwsLambda.Sqs 1.1.1 and 1.0.1.

Fixed bugs

  • #45 Queue Prefix setting is not being considered in the AwsLambdaSQSEndpoint
  • #310 Error messages have incorrect NServiceBus.FailedQueue header
  • #311 MessageContext’s ReceiveAddress property is incorrect

When to upgrade

You should upgrade immediately if one the following conditions apply:

Where to get it

You can install the new versions of NServiceBus.AwsLambda.Sqs from NuGet.

With thanks,
The team in Particular

Please read our release policy for more details.