NServiceBus.Callbacks 5.0.1, 4.0.1, and 3.0.1 – Patch releases available

Hi everyone,

We’ve just released NServiceBus.Callbacks 5.0.1, 4.0.1, and 3.0.1.

Fixed bugs

  • #588 Callback invocations do not return when the response type is not assignable to the expected type

How to know if you are affected

You are affected if:

  • You are invoking callbacks, e.g. await bus.Request<MyResponse>(new MyRequest());
  • The message type of the response is not assignable to the expected type (MyResponse in the example above)


Callback invocations do not return.

When to upgrade

You should upgrade immediately if you are affected by the bug. Otherwise, you should upgrade during your next maintenance window.

Where to get it

You can install the new versions of NServiceBus.Callbacks from NuGet.

Please read our release policy for more details.

With thanks,
The team in Particular