NServiceBus.Persistence.DynamoDB 2.0.1 and 1.0.1 – Patch releases available

Hi everyone,

We’ve just released NServiceBus.Persistence.DynamoDB 2.0.1 and 1.0.1.

Fixed bugs

  • #608 Saga persister cannot store empty collections

How to know if you are affected

All users using versions 1.0.0 or 2.0.0 are affected if attempting to store saga data containing an empty collection.


If a saga data class contains any collection type, it is only successfully stored if it contains items, or if it is null. If it is empty, an exception is thrown:

Amazon.DynamoDBv2.AmazonDynamoDBException : Supplied AttributeValue is empty, must contain exactly one of the supported datatypes

When to upgrade

If any of your saga data classes contain collections, you should upgrade at your earliest convenience.

Where to get it

You can install the new versions of NServiceBus.Persistence.DynamoDB from NuGet.

With thanks,
The team in Particular

Please read our release policy for more details.