NServiceBus.RavenDB 5.0.1 / 4.2.5 / 3.2.5 - Patch releases available

Hi Everyone,

We’ve just released NServiceBus.RavenDB 5.0.1, 4.2.5, and 3.2.5.

This change improves the efficiency of the built-in RavenDB outbox cleanup operation. The benefit is better performance under high load scenarios, so if you deal with high message volumes make sure to update your packages.

Fixed bugs

  • #390 Outbox cleanup cannot completely be disabled (v3)
  • #386 Trying to disable Outbox cleanup results in cleanup task to run continiously (v4 & v5)
  • #405 Outbox cleanup task can result in overlapped execution (v3)

How to know if you are affected

You’re affected if you’ve used RavenDB persistence with Outbox enabled and noticed one or more of the symptoms listed below.


There are a few symptoms that may indicate you were affected by the issues fixed in this patch release:

  • Message processing duration slowly increased over time
  • An ununsually high amount of I/O on the RavenDB server while the system is not processing any messages
  • A high number of immediate and delayed retries caused by timeouts
  • A high number of error messages caused by timeouts
  • After disabling the outbox cleanup task, the task was run once 1 min. after starting an endpoint

Should you upgrade immediately

You should upgrade if you’re using RavenDB persistence with Outbox enabled and noticed one of more of the symptoms listed above.

Where to get it

You can download the updated versions and see the full release notes here:

With thanks,

The team in Particular

Please read our release policy for more details.