NServiceBus.Storage.MongoDB 2.0.0 - Major release available

Hi everyone,

For those of you using, or considering, MongoDB persistence with NServiceBus, we’ve just released an official NServiceBus.Storage.MongoDB persister.

What’s new?

The package works with NServiceBus version 7 and supports the following features:

  • Sagas
  • Outbox
  • Subscriptions
  • A migration path from two existing community persisters
  • Documentation

What transports are currently supported?

The package supports the following transports:

  • RabbitMQ
  • Azure Service Bus
  • Azure Storage Queues
  • Amazon SQS transports.

If you are using either the MSMQ or SQL Server transports and are interested in the MongoDB persister, we’d like to hear from you. Please contact us at support@particular.net.

How do I migrate?

Migrating from each of the community persisters is straightforward.

What our customers are saying

“Nice work making the process super easy! The documentation is quite clear about how to make use of the persistence, as well as how to perform a migration from the community NServiceBus.MongoDB package.”
– Billy Wolfington, Senior Software Engineer

"It has been completely seamless for our existing micro-services to migrate to the new MongoDB persistence package and “just work”. This was a huge concern for us with the amount of micro-services we have running in production using the legacy package. In addition, we now have first class support for transactions and full confidence in the maintainability of the package itself.”
– Matt Biddle, Lead Software Engineer, eMarketer

How do I get it?

You can download the package from NuGet: NuGet Gallery | NServiceBus.Storage.MongoDB 2.0.0.

Where do I send feedback?

To send feedback, please create an issue in the NServiceBus.Storage.MongoDB repository or email support@particular.net.

With thanks,
The team in Particular