NServiceBus.Storage.MongoDB 3.0.1 and 2.3.2 – Patch releases available

Hi everyone,

We’ve just released NServiceBus.Storage.MongoDB 3.0.1 and 2.3.2.

Fixed bugs

  • #486 Saga persistence is not compatible with MongoDB.Driver Version 2.19 and higher

How to know if you are affected

You are affected if you are trying to upgrade to MongoDB.Driver v2.19 or higher.


When upgrading the MongoDB.Driver to version 2.19 or higher, storing sagas causes an error:

MongoDB.Bson.BsonSerializationException : Type SomeNamespace.SomeSagaData is not configured as an allowed type for this instance of ObjectSerializer.

MongoDB.Driver v2.19 contains a breaking change that requires all types to be explicitly mapped. For more details, refer to the .NET Driver Version 2.19.0 Release Notes.

When to upgrade

You should upgrade immediately the persistence version together with the MongoDB.Driver version since the version 2.19 of the driver also address the security vulnerability CVE-2022-48282.

It is also recommended to explicitly reference the MongoDB.Driver 2.9.1 or higher to make sure a client version that addresses the mentioned security vulnerability is in use:

<PackageReference Include="MongoDB.Driver" Version="2.9.1" />

Where to get it

You can install the new versions of NServiceBus.Storage.MongoDB from NuGet.

With thanks,
The team in Particular

Please read our release policy for more details.

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