PostgreSQL transport released!

Hi everyone,

For those of you using, or considering using, PostgreSQL as messaging infrastructure with NServiceBus, we’ve just released NServiceBus.Transport.PostgreSql. Learn more about the transport in our documentation.

The transport also supports connection sharing with PostgreSQL persistence so that a single, atomic PostgreSQL transaction spans all the following:

  • receiving a message
  • updating the database
  • sending out follow-up messages

This avoids anomalies related to asynchronous communication such as duplicate messages. When using connection sharing, the outbox is not required.

Where to get it

You can install NServiceBus.Transport.PostgreSql from NuGet.

Please read our release policy for more details.

Why is the version number 8.1.2?

When developing the PostgreSQL transport, we built on the solid foundations established by years of development of our existing SQL Server transport. We concluded that the best way to ensure both high quality and fast evolution is to share common code between the transports in a single code repository. Therefore, we decided to align the versions of the PostgreSQL and SQL Server transports.

Where do I send feedback?

To send feedback, please create an issue in the NServiceBus.SqlServer repository or email

With thanks,
The team in Particular