PostgreSQL Transport

Greetings. I’m interested to help in implementing a PG transport similar to SQL Server, though I need help in this regards on where to start. This is because all our infrastructure uses PG and because PG has a nice notify/receive feature that is better than polling. Thank you.

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At the moment we have no official plans on building the transport but we can help you build it. I’ll reach out over e-mail.

Postgres in dotnet is getting popular. Transport would be great!

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Are you still interested in the idea of PostgreSQL-based transport? If so, we would like to have a short conversation about your specific requirements.

Yes, we are still interested in the idea of a PostgreSQL-based transport. Currently, we are using NSB with Azure Storage Queue for Transport + Persistence. Our business data resides in RavenDb and PostgreSQL, and we have recently started transitioning most business data to PG(using MartenDb). Our future plan involves leveraging PostgreSQL for business data, persistence, and outbox. Considering this, it seems plausible to explore the option of replacing Azure Storage Queue with PostgreSQL. Looking forward to discussing the specifics of this further.

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Thanks for the reply. We have already started some development. We don’t yet have a release date but we’ll ping you when we’ll be approaching go-live.

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