Processing NServicebus 7.0 message in 5.2.25 worker


I am using .Net core WebAPI to send message to endpoint using AzureStorage Queue(NServiceBus 7.x). The Worker is implemented using NServiceBus 5.2.25 to processing the message.
But now worker is not able to process the message because of seiralization issue. How to solve this problem?
Note: I like to find the solution without upgrading worker, because other legacy application is using this worker.

2018-06-26T00:16:58 Message type: ‘CarzingServices.NSB.Models.Commands.VoucherCommand, CarzingServices.NSB.EnqueueMessage, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null’ could not be determined by a ‘Type.GetType’, scanning known messages for a match
2018-06-26T00:16:58 Could not determine message type from message header ‘CarzingServices.NSB.Models.Commands.VoucherCommand, CarzingServices.NSB.EnqueueMessage, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null’. MessageId: e9334b0b-75dd-480f-b35f-a90b007802f0
2018-06-26T00:16:59 Failed to deserialize message with ID: e9334b0b-75dd-480f-b35f-a90b007802f0


Hi Saravana,

Could you please share VoucherCommand code? There might be an issue between serilized used with version 6 of the transport and version version 8 you’re migrating to. In case you’re not comfortable sharing it here, could you please send it over to

Thank you,