I have recently updated one of my endpoints to utilize performance monitoring. The endpoint uses NServiceBus 5.2.21 and NServiceBus.Metrics.ServiceControl 1.2.0. I am seeing Throughput and Processing time metrics in ServicePulse but I am not seeing any Queue Length metrics. Any ideas for how I can get this metric to show up?
Tomasz Masternak (@tmasternak) answered me in Gitter about this: you have to enable metrics in the sending endpoints too.
That is correct. The queue length metric works by having the sending and receiving endpoints send regular updates to ServiceControl Monitoring about how many messages have been sent and how many messages have been processed. ServiceControl Monitoring calculates queue length by looking at the difference between the counters reported by both endpoints. If one of those counters is missing, queue length will not be calculated.
You can read more about how queue length is calculated in our documentation.
Thanks for the response. I don’t have metrics installed on the endpoints sending the commands, so that makes sense. Thanks again.