RabbitMq, SqlServer, EF Core and Outbox

Do you have a sample showing how a DbContext (scoped in the container) can participate in the Outbox Transaction?

I expect to use my Services, Repositories and therefore DbContext as always via dependencies in the MessageHandler (no newing)



We have a few samples/articles that may help you:

My colleague Ramon also has a sample that may help that uses Outbox with EF and the handler. It is a bit old but it will show you the basics:

Thanks. I might be wrong, but the linked documentation and the GitHub repo doesn’t show this combination.

The problem is that the scoped DbContext from the IOC container (MS) should use the same transaction/connection as the Outbox logic. This without newing the DbContext in the handler.

If you are willing to take a dependency on NSB within your EF configuration, you can use a DbContextFactory approach to set the external outbox connection and transaction.

Take a look at this EF Core article: Advanced Performance Topics | Microsoft Learn

The concept will be the same (paraphrasing to your use case):

Register a context factory as a Singleton service:

    o => o.UseSqlServer() // use this override that doesnt provide a connection or connection string);

Next, write a custom context factory which gets a context from the Singleton factory we registered, and injects the outbox connection into context instances it hands out:

public class OutboxDbContextFactory<TDbContext> : IDbContextFactory<TDbContext>
    private readonly ISqlStorageSession _storage;
    private readonly IDbContextFactory<TDbContext> _innerFactory
    public OutboxDbContextFactory(IDbContextFactory<TDbContext> innerFactory, ISqlStorageSession storage)
        //add null checks       

        _storage = storage; 
        _innerFactory = innerFactory;

    public TDbContext CreateDbContext()
        //potentially check if storage.Connection / Transaction are null

        //if you don't expect all injections to happen within a handler,
        //a better approach is to inject IServiceProvider and call _services.GetService<ISqlStorageSession>() and check for null

        var context = _innerFactory.CreateDbContext();

        //Use the same underlying ADO.NET transaction

        //Ensure context is flushed before the transaction is committed
        _storage.OnSaveChanges((s, token) => context.SaveChangesAsync(token));

        return context;

Once we have our custom context factory, register it as a Scoped service:


Finally, arrange for a context to get injected from our Scoped factory:

    sp => sp.GetRequiredService<OutboxDbContextFactory<SomeDbContext>>().CreateDbContext());

As this point, your endpoints automatically get injected with a context instance that has the right outbox connection, without having to know anything about it.

Bonus points if you want to create an extension method to wire it all up:

public static class OutboxDbContextExtensions
    public static void AddDbContextWithOutboxConnection<TDbContext>(this IServiceCollection services, Action<DbContextOptionsBuilder<TDbContext>> builder)
        where TDbContext : DbContext
            sp => sp.GetRequiredService<OutboxDbContextFactory<TDbContext>>().CreateDbContext());

Note, you can also used a pooled context factory to squeeze some more perf out of EF Core

Great, finally had the time to look into this.

    //potentially check if storage.Connection / Transaction are null
    //if you don't expect all injections to happen within a handler,
    //a better approach is to inject IServiceProvider and call _services.GetService<ISqlStorageSession>() and check for null

Yes I am also using the DbContext outside MessageHandlers. But I get this Exception when requesting it and not null

In stead of a try-catch do you have another approach to detect when not inside a MessageHandler?


This is how you could support an optional shared connection without needing try…catch blocks

note that this code is untested as I just wrote it here, but it should be a good starting point.

public TDbContext CreateDbContext()
  var context = _innerFactory.CreateDbContext();
  var storage= _serviceProvider.GetService<ISqlStorageSession>();

  if (storage is null || storage.Connection is null)
    //at this point if a connection string was not set you will get a runtime exception that EF can't create a connection.
    //options: a. hardcode a connection string
    //b. inject IConfiguration and get a connection string by name
    // create a new OutboxDbContextFactoryOptions class which allows callers to set a fallback connection string
    return context;
  if (storage.Transaction is not null)
    //Use the same underlying ADO.NET transaction

  return context;

But the problem is that code below throws the Exception from the screen capture. I am using NServiceBus 7.8.1

I get it.

even though you can likely get this to work with some effort, here is a complementary solution:

create an Accessor class similar to HttpContextAccessor that uses AsyncLocal<ISqlStorageSession> to store the session.

public class SqlStorageSessionAccessor
  private static AsyncLocal<ISqlStorageSession> _local = new ();

  public ISqlStorageSession? Current
    get => _local.Value;
    set => _local.Value = value;

register this as a singleton.
note that this is very simplistic and you may want to make it more robust just like HttpContextAccessor.

in your DBContextFactory inject the accessor and check for null.
when calling from outside a handler nothing should break as you never set the value in the accessor

create a SetSqlStorageSessionAccessor Behavior that injects both ISqlStorageSession and SqlStorageSessionAccessor, and then sets the Current value.

this may seem a bit roundabout but:

“All problems in computer science can be solved by another level of indirection, except for the problem of too many layers of indirection.” Fundamental theorem of software engineering - Wikipedia

Really? :slight_smile: It seems like I am the first person to integrate Outbox with EF. Should some of this code be a nuget extension?

And which IBehaviorContext should I use?

Any hints to this question?

Hi again. Does Particular not have any suggestions to which Behaviour type to implement !??

I just spent a bit of time on this and think that there is an easier way to accomplish this scenario. I used the SQL transport, not RabbitMQ, but there should not be a difference from what I can tell. I hope this is useful. And correct. I hope a moderator or someone knowledgeable will intervene if this solution is problematic.

Starting with Using Outbox with SQL Server

Use the pattern in Entity Framework Core integration with SQL Persistence

to register the component and then inject it into the Handler

endpointConfiguration.RegisterComponents(c =>
c.AddScoped(b =>
var session = b.GetRequiredService();

    var context = new ReceiverDataContext(new DbContextOptionsBuilder<ReceiverDataContext>()

    //Use the same underlying ADO.NET transaction

    //Ensure context is flushed before the transaction is committed
    session.OnSaveChanges((s, token) => context.SaveChangesAsync(token));

    return context;


EFCore business logic participates in the Outbox Transaction. Much easier than I thought it would be at first glance.

As documented in the above reference:

To be able to effectively use the DbContext outside of the Handler can be accomplished without much indirection by using an abstract base class with 2 concrete inherited DbContext classes- one for the handler as registered above, another configured with a separate connection for use elsewhere. The base class can override OnModelCreating so that only needs to be in one place. Then you can inject the concrete DbContext classes based on what you need-


In the POC I built:

using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;

public abstract class ReceiverDataContextBase : DbContext
protected ReceiverDataContextBase(DbContextOptions contextOptions)
: base(contextOptions)

public DbSet<Order> Orders{ get; set; }

protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)

    var orders = modelBuilder.Entity<Order>();
    orders.ToTable("SubmittedOrder", "receiver");
    orders.HasKey(x => x.Id);
    orders.Property(x => x.Value);



//for use in the handler
public sealed class ReceiverDataContext :
public ReceiverDataContext(DbContextOptions options)
: base(options)

public sealed class ReceiverDataContextNotHandler :
public ReceiverDataContextNotHandler(DbContextOptions options)
: base(options)

endpointConfiguration.RegisterComponents(c =>
c.AddScoped(b =>
var session = b.GetRequiredService();

            var context = new ReceiverDataContext(new DbContextOptionsBuilder<ReceiverDataContext>()

            //Use the same underlying ADO.NET transaction

            //Ensure context is flushed before the transaction is committed
            session.OnSaveChanges((s, token) => context.SaveChangesAsync(token));

            return context;

        c.AddScoped(b =>
            var context = new ReceiverDataContextNotHandler(new DbContextOptionsBuilder<ReceiverDataContextNotHandler>()

            return context;


public OrderSubmittedHandler(ReceiverDataContext dataContext, ReceiverDataContextNotHandler dataContextNotHandler)
this.dataContext = dataContext;
this.dataContextNotHandler = dataContextNotHandler;

Of course, there is no sense in using both of those in the handler, but the point is the same. Register the concrete classes in the container and retrieve where appropriate through constructor injection based on the specific need.