Is there any automated way to remove unused endpoint instances from the ServicePulse configuration?
We’re using endpoints on Azure App Service web jobs with .NET Core, Azure Service Bus, NServiceBus v7.1.10, ServicePulse v1.22.0 and ServiceControl v4.3.3.
The problem is on ServicePulse which is making notifications of heartbeat failures because there have been accumulated hundreds of endpoint instances which are not in use any more. Those endpoints can be clicked off from ServicePulse’s Configuration->Endpoint heartbeats, but that’s very cumbersome to do all the time.
Endpoint instance names are for example:
- abc1@RD0003FF7DE704 (1 minutes ago)
- abc1@RD2818786F0DBD (24 hours ago)
- abc1@RD2818786F5999 (unkown)
This issue might happen because Azure is creating new App Service instances on background and old instances are left behind.