ServiceControl 3.6.3 - Patch release available

Hi everyone,

We’ve just released ServiceControl 3.6.3.

Fixed bugs

  • #1581 Messages passing through dispatcher in ASQ, RabbitMQ, and SQL transport can be incorrectly forwarded when Expires header is present
  • #1577 Duplicate FailedMessageIds can cause retries to fail

How to know if you are affected

You are affected if you are using ServiceControl versions 3.0.0 or higher and have Audit forwarding turned on, Error forwarding turned on, or are using the redirects feature of ServiceControl.


Messages are incorrectly forwarded to original processing endpoint when ingested by the Audit or Error queue, or retries are failing due to not being sent to the staging queue.

Should you upgrade immediately

Any ServiceControl users using Azure Storage Queues, RabbitMQ, or SQL server transports should upgrade immediately.

Where to get it

You can download this release from our website.

With thanks,
The team in Particular

Please read our release policy for more details.