ServicePulse not responding 1.22.0

I am working on upgrading my environment from ServiceControl 3.6.1 and ServicePulse 1.15.1. Of course, I am doing it on a test machine before I do the actual deed in production :slight_smile:

I upgrade Service Control to 3.8.2 successfully
I upgraded the services
I then upgraded ServiceControl to 4.4.0 successfully
I upgrades the services

I verified that I can connect via ServiceInsight and see the audit messages

Then I upgraded ServicePulse to 1.22.0
The upgrade finished successfully

However, when I try to connect to http://localhost:9090 all i get is the service pulse icon on a web page. Nothing else ever renders.

I tried uninstalling and re-installing service pulse, but still have the same issue. ServicePulse never renders anything


Try to delete the browser cache and then reload. That usually helps


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