I am trying to get ServicePulse working on my server . On my windows development machine (Windows 10) it runs without problems.
When I take the exact same installation to a Windows 2019 server, ServiceControl management and Service Insight run without a problem. However, the ServicePulse webapplication starts without errors and only presents a blank screen. The title is visible in the address tab but no data. I tried it on 2 servers and with different browsers. All the same result.
If anyone has an idea, I would be thrilled to here it.
I installed the latest version of ServicePulse (1.36.4)
It installed without problems and is running under local service.
The machine is a windows server 2019 .
I use the simple installed chrome as browser. (65.0.3325.181).
In the browser now I see in the Console an uncaught SyntaxError : Unexpected token { in :8081/assets/index…
In the network tab only 1 line (no error) : http://localhost:8081/assets/index.1939d7c1.js
I started the ServicePulse.host.exe in a command window with administrative rights.