Timeout Migration Tool 1.0.3 - Patch release available

Hi everyone,

We’ve just released TimeoutMigrationTool 1.0.3

Fixed bugs

  • #115 The abort command does not revert hidden timeouts in RavenDB when there is no ToolState persisted

How to know if you are affected

Everyone using the abort command with the RavenDB-persistence, only when the migration process was interrupted before the storage being fully prepared.


When preparing the storage, the tool will hide timeouts from the legacy timeout manager. Once the storage is fully prepared and then the migration is aborted, the tool correctly makes the timeouts available again to the legacy timeout manager.
In case the prepare step wasn’t fully completed, it could be the case that some timeouts remained hidden, therefore not being triggered by the legacy timeout manager.

Should you upgrade immediately

There is no urgency to upgrade unless you ran a migration that was interrupted before completing and you can’t resume the migration, but instead need to abort it using the --abort command.

Where to get it

You can install the tool from NuGet using:

dotnet tool install Particular.TimeoutMigration -g

With thanks,
The team in Particular

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