Topology and UseForwardingTopology are undefined for transport

In my .NET6 app, with NServiceBus <7.8.0> and NServiceBus.Transport.AzureServiceBus <2.0.3>, I can send and receive messages, here how it is configured :

  var transport = endpointConfiguration.UseTransport<AzureServiceBusTransport>();

But when I want to access “Topology” or “UseForwardingTopology” from “Transport”, they do not exists.

I think according to Configuration • Azure Service Bus Transport • Particular Docs, that method and property should be there.

Can you help ?

Hi @bfaccruent

Are you updating from the legacy Azure Service Bus transport? If so, the API is quite a bit different. The “UseForwardingTopology” method doesn’t exist; forwarding topology is the default. Also the topology is handled differently than it was in the legacy transport and the API for it was only introduced in v3 of the new transport. We have some information on how to use it here but keep in mind the differences between v2 and v3 of the transport. You can view the documentation for each version by selecting the correct version in the article header.

– Kyle

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