Hi there, and welcome to the Particular Software community.
Here you’ll find topics on releases and are able to ask questions or discuss how to use NServiceBus and the Service Platform in your system.
Download NServiceBus
NServiceBus can be downloaded as a NuGet package or via the Particular Software Service Platform.
To learn more
- Platform overview
- NServiceBus overview
- Documentation
- NServiceBus Quick Start
- Learning Path
Introduction to NServiceBus
The tutorial that walks you through developing a system and architectural concepts behind the software. - The announcements category to read about the latest releases and information.
Before posting, please…
- Visit the TOP Page to see the most actively discussed topics.
- Use tags like NServiceBus to get a broad view of what’s going.
- Search before opening a new topic, as someone might have already created a topic.
- Possible search using Google or in the retired discussion group.
- Have a look at our FAQ/Guidelines page and help us build an awesome NServiceBus community here.
If you need an urgent support, please contact us at support@particular.net.