(William Brander)
July 11, 2019, 5:45pm
Hi Everyone,
As part of this release, we had one bug being closed.
#758 Fix monitoring page for IE by adding polyfill for endsWith
Where to get it
ServicePulse 1.20.1 can be downloaded at Downloads • Particular Software
With thanks,
Particular Software
Please read our release policy for more details.
@mauroservienti mentioned ServicePulse showing failed messages twice will be solved in the next release. Pity to see it did not make it into this one At least I couldn’t find any recent release containing the issue mentioned
(William Brander)
July 12, 2019, 7:13am
Hi @philippdolder
That fix is included in the next Minor version of ServicePulse (1.21.0). This release came out before as it was a patch. I’ll get that fix into 1.20.3 and release it shortly for you.
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(William Brander)
July 12, 2019, 9:02am
1.20.3 has been released with the fix for your topic @philippdolder